Caution, if you are a music director in a parish, you may someday be told, "The Bishop will be here for Sunday Mass and you will be singing the ICEL Mass."
A Bishop who is committed to the singing of chant in parishes can and should be insisting on singing this.
"But my choir won't sing one note chant. They won't put up with it.
Here is the Sanctus, Memorial Acclamation, and Agnus Dei by Peter Carter for your choir. Being in harmony, it can help them synchronize their singing in part and then strengthen them in singing back and forth by the men and women, then moving to sing all in unison on the chant melody.
Bring yourself up to speed as a new or wishing to improve church musicians by listening to the Square Notes podcasts by Jennifer Donelson-Nowicka, an Associate Professor and the Director of Sacred Music at St. Patrick's Seminary in Menlo Park, California
Described as a being a "free Master's Degree education about being a Catholic musician you can learn while walking the dog."